My Star Wars Ring

Today I spent six hours in a 3D printing workshop sponsored by MakerBot and The Yard.  We were introduced to the basics of several programs, such as OpenSCAD, ReplicatorG, Tinkercad, Blender, meshmixer, and netfabb.  We also learned about Autodesk’s 123D Catch application for using a series of photos to develop a 3D model.  And, of course, we had two MakerBot Replicators to play with as well.

During the class, we printed our own rings and chose the design for the top.  The rings were printed from MakerBot’s Curriculum section.  Then we either designed our own topper or chose an item from THINGIVERSE to modify.  I chose the Rebel Alliance logo for my ring top!  I used my newly learned skills (with a little guidance) to increase the depth of it and add a notch for the small magnet to go.  (The magnets in the rings and ring tops allow you to change tops easily.)  And then, voila, I had my Star Wars ring!

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